Highlights From Jobs


Muze was my first programming job. We created touch-screen kiosks for record stores with information on every music CD in print.

There were lots of technical challenges including creating a custom search engine and compressing the indexes and data to fit all the data needed. We used bit-arrays and other techniques to make it all work.

We went on to create Vuze (for video) and Muze for Books (not Buze).

I used the picture shown so I could take the opportunity to mention Jeremy Glick, a member of the sales team and one of the heros of Flight 93 on 9/11. He was a great great guy.

C, FoxPro


I joined barnesandnoble.com to create their search engine. When I started the entire engine was running as an extended stored-procedure in SQL Server (not recommended, lol).

I built a small team and we wrote a new search engine in C++ that was blazing fast and extremely flexible. It had many innovative features including the ability to dynamically adjust and respond to the huge spikes in queries the moment Oprah announced her book club selection.

80% of all sales went through the search engine, which handled millions of queries a day, and had a 99.99% uptime. I really honed my debugging skills here. The fun thing about debugging is that the problem, in the end, has to make logical sense and be solvable. It's like a puzzle.

C++, SQL Server


I developed several iOS apps including games, social apps, and a fishing app.

I also developed an app called CueNotes that myself and two partners started. It was a music app that allowed you to make notes on a song (timed with the music) and then share those notes with friends and followers.

Objective-C, MongoDB, Node.js


I was the first engineer hired by the CTO and he and I built the inital site and backend together. It was a lot of fun to help build up this company up to it's unicorn billion dollar valuation in 2021.

I was responsible for the frontend of the site, but because I was involved from the start I also jumped around a lot and helped where ever it was needed. I also helped build the first version of the iOS app in ReactNative.

Python, Flask, Angular, React, ReactNative



Wimyx is an app that allows concert fans to create the best sounding live fan videos ever made.

Myself and two other engineers inherited a mvp that worked sometimes, but was very fragile and did not work under load.

Over the next year we rewrote and rearchitected the entire app and backend making it much more stable and performant.

One issue was the RTSP server we were using in conjunction with the Streamer app that ran on a computer connected to the main mixing board at a concert. Any hiccup in the network would cause the stream to drop and the audio would be lost, and often the networks at live shows are not the best.

I replaced the RTSP server and stream with a custom sync solution that was fault tolerant and could handle network hiccups and also dynamically adjusted to bandwidth.

Python, Flask, React, ReactNative, PostgreSQL, Redis, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes